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Job Opportunities


The Faculty of Economics has started a new three-year recruitment program to foster excellence in research and teaching across various disciplines. This webpage provides essential information about currently open and forthcoming calls. All pertinent process information will be published here to ensure maximum transparency and oversight of the procedures.

The Faculty of Economics invites applications from qualified scholars. We are particularly interested in candidates with substantial scientific experience in international research. The ideal candidate should possess a distinguished record of research accomplishments, evidenced by publications in leading peer-reviewed journals. Demonstrated capabilities in securing funding from national and EU sources will be considered a preferential factor under equal conditions. A Ph.D. in a relevant field of study is required. Additionally, proficiency in Italian and English is mandatory.

All procedures are reserved for individuals external to Sapienza University of Rome. Applicants must not have served in the last three years, been holders of research grants, or enrolled in any study programs at Sapienza University of Rome.

Applications must adhere to the Italian regulations for academic employment. In particular, for the position of Associate Professor, candidates must have the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) or hold an equivalent position either abroad or in Italy.

The Faculty is committed to increasing the gender balance and particularly welcomes applications from qualified women.

For successful candidates who have held academic positions abroad, there are some tax benefits, such as a 90% tax relief on the salary that may be granted for a duration of 6 to 13 years. For more detailed information on tax benefits, see the following link: Agenzia Entrate (in Italian).


Forthcoming calls 

Expected before the end of August (approved by the Faculty Board and financed):

Expected in the future (approved by the Faculty Board but not yet financed):

  • Associate Professor in Business Administration.

For further information, don't hesitate to contact the department director responsible for the relevant position.